Recent content by Sundance Kid V2

  1. Sundance Kid V2

    Red Dead Redemption 1, possibly coming...

    I just hope they didn't do what they did with the GTA remakes (the crappy remake)
  2. Sundance Kid V2

    Red Dead Redemption 1, possibly coming...

    Yea.. Saw this. And I wonder what price they going to charge? Would be nice to have it on steam
  3. Sundance Kid V2

    What's the last movie you saw?

    No country for old men. Hot dang... This movie is good. Can't believe I never watched it. 8/10.
  4. Sundance Kid V2

    Splinter Cell Remake...

    o wow.. nice! Haven't played Splinter Cell in ages. A new one would be cool!
  5. Sundance Kid V2

    Deadpool & Wolverine

    Does look good.
  6. Sundance Kid V2

    What TV shows are you currently watching?

    Finished Fallout S1 Tv show. It was good. Liked it a lot.
  7. Sundance Kid V2

    Star Wars Outlaws

    The price hahhahahha. I don't get hyped for ubi games a long time...
  8. Sundance Kid V2

    What's the last movie you saw?

    Watched Imaginary (supernatural horror film) .. boring. 4/10. I saw the trailer and thought going to be good... disappointing!
  9. Sundance Kid V2

    love the new forum looks

    I vote nutcrackr for president!
  10. Sundance Kid V2

    My dad is dying

    Sorry to hear dude. At least you and family was there. You can think of all the awesome times together fondly! My dad passed in hospital with covid. Wasn't even there to say goodbye :(
  11. Sundance Kid V2

    What TV shows are you currently watching?

    Cliff hanger guaranteed. I remember watching The walking dead.. and each damn season was a cliff hanger. After negan (sp?) I stopped. I enjoyed the show to a point but 8 episodes of boring chit chat.. and 1-2 good episode was too much after few seasons.
  12. Sundance Kid V2

    Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra

    I skipped parts thru the trailer/tech demo. They not showing game play... which sucks.
  13. Sundance Kid V2

    Dragons Dogma PC Discussion

    It's getting destroyed in steam reviews. - Mostly Negative ... thanks to mtx
  14. Sundance Kid V2

    This place is so dead

    I'll buy a shirt or 2. And some sweet :manches: can be throw in for orders over $100 :yes: