Recent content by HAL10000

  1. HAL10000

    Pew! Pew!

    Map's lighting up today somethin' fierce.
  2. HAL10000

    [NSFW] The Real Reason You're Circumsized

    gCSWbTv3hng I knew about the supposed reduction in masturbation but not about
  3. HAL10000

    Who on Earth...

    ... would buy: for $800,000? Could be some kind of inner party bribe maybe. Or the buyer is blind. I think I'd prefer to walk than drive that thing. If you look carefully at the white line reflection, it looks like poor build quality or someone is opening the passenger door to get out...
  4. HAL10000

    Scraping the Bottom of the Barrel for Gaming

    F**king hilarious. Goat Simulator
  5. HAL10000

    Anyone else getting sick of everything requiring it's own password?

    Personally, I am. Sick of it. And they're getting really strict about it all. I'm accessing a website for some stupid thing and they require you to "register". As if my account is some high state secret like having USAF nuclear launch codes or something. Banking and run of the mill email I...
  6. HAL10000

    Faith in Humanity Questioned, Reason #24619047

  7. HAL10000

    Gravity (Movie Trailer)

    Guess how I'm spending my birthday?
  8. HAL10000

    Argo (Movie Thread)

    Highly recommended. Best movie so far of 2012.
  9. HAL10000

    For those who like the White Stripes NoLdL1YtRlc
  10. HAL10000

    Microsoft Word

    ... is the most vile piece of sh*t software ever released by man. My $0.02. I shall return to it's glorious design whereby every button provides a bonus "**** Your Entire Document" feature.
  11. HAL10000

    Humour: "It's insulting they don't want my BlackBerry" A pair of would-be robbers targeting Columbia students in upper Manhattan seem to be rather picky as they prowl. Twice at 526 114th St., and once at 556 114th St., the suspects demanded the...
  12. HAL10000

    An Apple Ad You Won't See Enjoy.
  13. HAL10000

    Greetings from Rankin inlet

    Rankin Inlet (4000+ pixels wide) Assembled this "panorama" using three photos. Didn't come out half bad using a JVC Picsio flip-type video camera. If you ever decide to come up, bring your own 12-pack of Pepsi 'cause it's $19.99 here in Rankin Inlet and $49.99 in Gjoa (pronounced "Joe")...
  14. HAL10000

    Google Buying Motorola Mobility for $12.5 Billion

    Google to acquire Motorola Mobility for $12.5 billion Google revealed on Monday that it will buy handset maker Motorola Mobility, giving the search giant an entrance into the hardware business and allowing it to compete with Apple more directly by building devices tailored specifically for its...
  15. HAL10000

    Not sure what's worse...

    ... The horrible lipsynching or the absence of lyrics. Yrdo8myIcpQ