Bravely Default 2 (Switch Exclusive JRPG)


New member
Drops on the Nintendo Switch 2.26.21. If you enjoy a tradition jrpg grind-fest, and a roughly 60 hour campaign, check it out. Oh, it also has a demo.

Nintendo Life says it's very good but nothing really new. I guess there are times when that's not such a bad thing...
Nintendo Life says it's very good but nothing really new. I guess there are times when that's not such a bad thing...

Some things dont need to change.
A ton of JRPG's nowadays have transitioned towards action-RPG, and sometimes i'd like to have ye old turn based style again.

I mean it doesnt really appeal to some of the recent gamers and their limited attention spans but us old school gamers sometimes dont like the new directions.

I wasnt a big fan of the arstyle when i played this demo the first time around but i think ive warmed up to it. Its all about the battle system when it comes to JRPG's and i think this one is good, its pretty similar to octopath's.

This one goes on the wishlist (ive got a wishlist backlog already lol)