GPUs just got more expensive

The truth is that miners/scalpers are not the groups that pushed the gpu sector. Neither Nvidia nor AMD have imo done enough to respond to these situations. Granted I have more respect for miners, but zero for the scalpers. Using bots to obtain cards is what started this mess. Now we have a chip shortage. Not 100% sure I believe this? Seems like an easy way to kick the can down the road.

Basically the way I see this is what the scalpers and some retailers are doing is exploiting a natural disaster for profit. That's illegal right? And lets be honest, the pandemic has allowed many people who otherwise would not have enough money to buy a $1k gpu the capability to do so thanks to stimulus and boosted unemployment payments. So in reality, it truly is a perfect storm.
It seemed to me that this demand on CPUs/GPUs should be a great way to drive up stock prices for some companies like AMD for example. The thing is however, if you can't actually produce the product to take advantage of the demand, then you aren't really getting out ahead of it and capitalizing on that opportunity. What good is all that demand, as a manufacturer, when you can't issue additional supply?