It maybe a stupid question ...

Capt. Picard

I've just formatted my PC and updated it to this very minute. I've got a Radeon RX 480 and Windows, through its update, also installed a driver for it (as it has all the previous times I formatted any PC).

My question is, is this enough?

Or should I download the Catalyst driver from the AMD website itself. Is the compatible driver through Windows updates also the "real" thing?

The reason I'm asking a supposedly stupid question, to me, is that I feel I should have asked this question yonks ago.
It's real. It's usually an older version though, doesn't get updated that frequently, plus it doesn't contain all the added value features that Radeon Software provides.

So I'd suggest just to grab the latest version from
You usually let windows install the default drivers (yes its real) just get them working.

But unless the hardware predates win10 (in which case the drivers would be the latest), you still should go get the latest drivers from AMD.

Default drivers are usually not up to date and while they would run fine, usually you'll get way better performance with the ones from AMD website.

Applies to all hardware.

Its better than before where windows would just install "generic VGA driver" that doesnt do anything other than show the stuff on the screen.