Multiple internet blackouts today.


New member
Some of you have been complaining of no access to certain sites,
my ISP sent the following note:

A number of North American ISPs are currently experiencing wide-reaching outages or network issues that may be impacting your connection stability. These issues are currently affecting a major backbone provider in the US, and by extension a large number of ISPs and web services are also being affected.
Our own data centers are not currently impacted by these issues, but we will try to keep everyone updated with any pertinent information as necessary.

FYI, you are not crazay!
Bunch of poop. Just got a new router today cause my old one sucked and I thought I broke something when configuring it.

Also what the poop is this doing in feedback. Would be better if it was in OT :yep:
Today seems to be particularly bad, I think most of the big services are back up, but all of twitter and some of reddit were even down earlier.

Yup, and they are using the IoT devices now. How do you fix that besides filtering out the moving IP addresses?