Pondering a used ps vita


New member
Pomdering picking up a used Vita for use with moonlight game streaming from the PC and emulation... kinda temping for around 120$ (150 if inpatient)

I picked one up for $70 maybe a year ago? Amazing device. Hardly ever touch it. Unfortunately, the Switch just destroys the PSVita in nearly every way.
It’s a waste of time. No good games for it. I ended up selling mine after playing like 3-5 games on it.
Lol, any interest in selling?

you can get used ones for around 50 bucks over here, not sure why they are so pricey over there, or are you talking about new ones?
I got a used PS Vita few years back for $100 locally to play all the Metal Gear Solid games and Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles on the go for a business trip I was taking. This Castlevania collection includes the original Rondo of Blood and Symphony of the Night as unlockable games. :drool:

Those and the Uncharted Vita game were the only games I tried but I could tell it is a really cool handheld system. Really well made and powerful for the time, and yeah I hear its amazing for emulation but I've yet to try it for that. If you can find one for under $100 in good condition I definitely recommend it.
You can also play/use your PS3, PS4 & PS5 through the Vita using Remote play.
Has the vita been rooted yet? I sold mine a long time ago because they were never able to get it to work.

The OLED screen on the OG I had was damn good for a portable at the time and its a shame they couldnt get more companies to develop for the damn thing.
Pretty sure that only works for certain supported games though, not all.

I think the games you could do it with used to be limited. But it looks like any game can do it now so long as it's not VR, requires the camera or requires motion controls etc. You can also stream to your PC and Android phone now as well, which is pretty sweet.
Yes, very easily jailbreak, any firmware.

Just got it today, already jailbroken and tested moonlight streaming my steam games to it. No problems at all, and considering the older wifi, works really well
oh wow, minor change to the bitrate settings in the vita, and moonlight just got really good. Like, played a Mariocart 8 tour and got straight first place with minimal input lag (no mess ups because of input lag)...super nice!

also played some BOTW and PGA2k21 via moonlight from the PC, all worked really really well.
Minor update.
Added a package that allows per app reminding, so for moonlight the shoulder buttons are mapped to l2 and r2, with TouchPad for l1, l3, r1, r3.

Sooo much better! Also added gyro support, mapping it to right thumbs tick to emulate motion control aiming in botw. Works really well.

And the vita scene is kicking. Gta3 ported, gta:sa and vc about to be released, and max Payne just released.
The built in PSP emulator is amazing on this device. Perfect 2x doubling of resolution.

SD2Vita is the bomb.com, screw those stupid memory cards what a rip.

It's really one of the coolest consoles ever. I have PlaystationTV hooked up to an old Pioneer edtv plasma and it looks fantastic.

yeah the scene is really fun and always evolving.