Radeon software "Media Hotkeys", can you change them?


Keeping an open mind
Staff member
Anyway to change these? I can't seem to set different combinations. The defaults of "CTRL+SHIFT+*insert whatever*" aren't really ideal at all and I can't seem to change anything but the last key in the combos.
Anyway to change these? I can't seem to set different combinations. The defaults of "CTRL+SHIFT+*insert whatever*" aren't really ideal at all and I can't seem to change anything but the last key in the combos.
Open Radeon Settings > click the cog wheel in the top right and then click on hotkeys.
Ah so seems there are just limits to what the keys and combos can be. Odd limitation :\
I tried relentlessly to bind it to Print Screen, Scroll Lock, or any other single key. I ended up adding the game to Steam just to take screenshots.

I looked in the config files - strange that you can change GPU performance presets by modifying an XML file, but when it comes to changing hotkeys, you need to apply to work for AMD, work your way up the ladder until you get into the engineering room, establish a relationship with one of them, get your kids to be friends with their kids, swap wives a couple of weekends, and then maybe you'll be able to use the Radeon Overlay to take screenshots with a single key.