Say hello to your newest member!


New member
Yup you guessed it. I'm sacrificing my system stability all for you guys. :D

My server has been up for 78hrs. How long till it crashes, now that it's at 100% CPU utilisation? It's a stupid K6-2 you know! I'm running the console version. Is it possible to make the taskbar icon go away?

electron microscope, need i say more?

maybe. once installed select hide f@h client. then goto options and select run EM in 'stealth' mode. w00t! n0w you have teh goodness of invisible f@h AND EM. joy.

read the 'readme' file from EM to learn more.
thanks people!

Damm server has crashed twice today! Although I can blame the RAS service, as it always seems to hang. I guess it's the weakest link.