The Best Console Ever!!! --->

Er....uhhh. Well other than the fact that it isn't a console (PC) and the Xbox and GameCube (probably PS2 as well) already surpass a lot that the GeForce3 has to offer and they're much cheaper i guess you're right :p
Tell you what buddy, aint no way in hell I am buying a $6,000 console. Thats word.


PC will win -again- for the machine to have to play the best looking and playing games out there.

I guess what you'd actually have to acknowledge as the "best Console Ever" would be the GameBoy. Like it or not, it has outsold anyother console by such a huge margin that it's ridiculous. That thing has been popular since it came out in 1989...GameBoys are still being sold today
Yea, I would have to say the Gameboy is the most successful system ever. But i wished the Game Gear would have lasted longer...I liked that so much better.
I can't remeber the pricing on the GameGear but I think it was too pricey and drained batteries too quickly
Hey we got the GBA now.
That thing is almost like a Game gear physically.
Plus the colours are much much better, and its much slimmer.

And it has the battery life that exceeds the GB color (Or so it claims)

Dont worry, now that Sega is supporting nintendo, i predict we will see some sega GBA games.
To be honest, I couldnt afford to buy shed loads of consoles, so the ones I actually I owned, I thought were great..

Super Nintendo, Gameboy, and Playstation.

I gotta say, but the Playstation has been one of the best consoles ever.. it was (and still is) a license to print money for Sony :)
PS2 hands down

PS2 hands down

The PS2 because of its huge backlog of PSX games at budget prices, its alright customer support and its good marketing and now there are 11 million of them worldwide they can't just stop producing the games.
But the PC will ultimately prevail as the next generation consoles come out after the 128bit consoles
The PS2 is nothing to get excited over. It didn't have as nearly as good graphics as it was hyped to have. There aren't a lot of games out either. It also has compatibility problems with the original PS games.