Videos from the new FX5900 demos

showler said: long???

Dusk: 1:40

Gas Station: 7:07

Vulcan: 1:20

My Reviews:

Dusk: I couldn't be more unimpressed. This demo does nothing to show off nVidia's hardware. I am 100% sure that a Radeon 8500 can render this with no problem. Not only that, but the demo is pretty boring. It's just the elf dancing to some bad techno music.

Gas Station: Probably the most boring demo I've ever watched. The only thing that moves is the point of view, and the light source (the sun). It seems the main focus here is the shadow play.. A feature introduced in DirectX 8.0 :/ You can tell that the frame rate drops to about 10 FPS when the camera gets taken over by the mouse. Not worth downloading. Not worth watching if someone else downloads it for you.

Vulcan: While a little entertaining, again it shows nothing off. The fire guy is a fairly simple model, and the fire coming out of him are a bunch of the same flaming animations. A slow CPU would have more of a problem rendering this than a slow video card.
Crawdaddy79 said:
Dusk: 1:40

Gas Station: 7:07

Vulcan: 1:20

Not really my intended question. How long till we can view these on our Radeons, so we can see how good they can look?
showler said:
Not really my intended question. How long till we can view these on our Radeons, so we can see how good they can look?

We'll just have to hope that somebody will sit down and write OpenGL wrappers for them I suppose....