3 Billion Points!!!


New member
Team Rage3D hit the 3 BILLION point mark today! This is awesomeness redefined right here! :drool: :cool: :D

For those of you who used to fold but no longer do for whatever reason, and those of you who have never folded before, come join us and help us reach 4 billion points! That is 1 billion more points towards awesome medical research, which WILL come back to benefit us all someday (mining bitcoin = no awesome cures).

Join the folding revolution!!!!!

:fold: :fold:
I'll try and give you 100M before I shut down again.

I saw those mad points you've been giving us and I was thinking, "please don't just be burning in a new GPU, please don't just be burning in a new GPU" :p

100M for the team (and the science!) would be totally awesome!!

:fold: :fold:

You, curio, DarkFoss and BugSmashR are really carrying the team :D



I did just buy a new case and CPU cooler so I've been using units to see how it does as far as acoustics and temps go and have not been let down at all.

Phanteks Luxe with a Kraken 61 and Noctua fans so it's running pretty cool and surprisingly quiet compared to what I was running before. I've been playing most games on a single card and letting the second fold most of the time and when I set it to silent I can't hear it at all and the GPUs never go over 80C.

The noctua fans were a big surprise, they are 2000 rpm fans, but at anything up to about 1000 rpm they don't really create much noise at all. It's not until 1200 to 1500 that I can hear them at all, but folding on GPU I don't see more than 25 percent CPU use so I don't even bother. I turn the fans up to help the GPU's vent some heat, but it's really not necessary.

I folded one night with everything set to silent and my CPU never broke 50 and the GPUs sat around 78 -80C. Compared to before I would have set everything to 100 percent and it sounded like I'd left a blower on in the other side of the house.

Long story short, I can essentially fold 24/7 on my second card silently with this setup with very little heat impact. Power bill on the other hand ...
Haha, new hardware will always bring out some folding :-P

I'm glad to hear your rig is quiet under load; I'm planning on building a new rig in early May (for playing Doom .... ohhhhh man am I excited for the Doom reboot!!) and I'm thinking about going with a 980ti, but noise levels are important to me as it'll be folding when not in use for gaming. If the CPU cooling is the predominant factor in your rig for noise then I think I'll be good (btw, which 980s do you have? Cooling solutions vary and I'd like to keep the stock cooling on the card if possible).

Have you tried using both 980s for folding? :drool:

I'm currently GPU folding on a 680 and power consumption hasn't been a huge issue (noise and heat on the other hand...). One way to avoid high power bills is to run an extension cord to an outdoor outlet on your neighbour's house :D


(btw, which 980s do you have? Cooling solutions vary and I'd like to keep the stock cooling on the card if possible).

Have you tried using both 980s for folding? :drool:

MSI's. I got one for free with a sale and some rebate magic, and so bought the second one with the money I would have spent for just one. They are, by far, the quietest thing in my system under load.

I do fold with both of them at night when I don't need the top card to game or do editing. Unless it gets really warm during the summer I plan to just leave the bottom card folding.

The only thing I don't like is pulling a unit and starting the bonus point timer and then realizing I need to turn SLI back on to game, so I find that when I'm in the mood to fold I just play wow. Even at 3440x1440 a single card handles that just fine. Fallout 4, not so much.

I do fold with both of them at night when I don't need the top card to game or do editing. Unless it gets really warm during the summer I plan to just leave the bottom card folding.

Nice! I also plan to keep GPU folding during the summer; still trying to work out the heat dissipation logistics with it (I live in Dallas and summers here are quite hot). I may just try venting the heat out my window :D

I dunno how much rebate magic you would need to pull off to get a 980 for free, but 2 is better than 1, especially for folding as that equates to a near linear increase in output.

Nice! I also plan to keep GPU folding during the summer; still trying to work out the heat dissipation logistics with it (I live in Dallas and summers here are quite hot). I may just try venting the heat out my window :D

I dunno how much rebate magic you would need to pull off to get a 980 for free, but 2 is better than 1, especially for folding as that equates to a near linear increase in output.


When I lived in Houston I used to have the back of my box right next to a window which I would open and use one of those window fans blowing OUT to suck the heat directly from the back of the box into the furnace that was summer. My office stayed at around 80 degrees but that was a lot better than the 90+ it would have been upstairs WITH 470s!

The 980s are better, but heat is heat, and my new house is easier to keep cool so there is that.

I can't remember the specifics, it was either EVGA trade ins or some kind of store credit but yes, my 980 upgrade from the 680s was essentially 2 for 1. In fact, I never bothered to sell the 680s, I gave one to a friend who wanted it to make his own SLI and I still have the second one here collecting dust. I guess I really should do something with it now that you helped me remember it!
So as the ambient temps have been increasing as we head towards the spring time; I noticed that my mobo, CPU, and GPU temps have obviously been increasing as well... except not at all proportionally to the increasing ambient temps. In fact what got me looking into it was that my mobo PCH temp was steadily over 65°C while folding, and 45°C while idling. While I do add some voltage to the PCH to keep my processor stable at 4.8GHz, it still shouldn't have been at that high of temps; considering we haven't even seen ambient temps over 70°F yet.

Also considering that my Skylake CPU with Z170 chipset is more efficient than the Haswell & Z87 chipset I ran before, this was perplexing me. Even moreso considering that I have 5 Noctua case fans and two high-static pressure Corsair fans on my water cooler radiator. And being pwm fans, they would really start ramping up when the ambient temps hit their highest at noon - which would drive my wife nuts since she works from home in our office with the computer right next to her.

Anyway I was at the point of shutting down my folding for the spring/summer (which I thought I wouldn't have to do until May/June), but decided instead to read into it more and see if I was missing something.

Well I read a post on another forum about it, and I found the culprit: A thin piece of plastic film that was over the PCH heatsink on the motherboard that keeps it from scratching during shipment - I never removed it. Doh!

So I removed the plastic film from the heatsink and voila! PCH temps are now down to 50°C during full load, and even more surprising - the temps for everything is down. CPU is about 10°C less, and even the GPU temp is down 5°C.

It makes me think that the little plastic film was not only causing the motherboard heatsink to not dissipate it's own heat effectively, but it was somehow also causing the motherboard sensors to misread all the other temps of the system and make the fans spin faster. That's the only thing I can think of anyway. The Corsair fans on the CPU radiator that would ramp up to 2200RPM previously are now running at about 1500RPM while the system is folding - all simply from removing plastic film from the mobo heatsink. The sound difference is incredible now - and back to tolerable again.

TLDR version: Check your motherboard heatsinks for a thin plastic film, and if it has one, remove it!

Even if it doesn't look like it has one on it, use your fingernail to check because sometimes you can't even see it.

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In fact, I never bothered to sell the 680s, I gave one to a friend who wanted it to make his own SLI and I still have the second one here collecting dust. I guess I really should do something with it now that you helped me remember it!

Scrounge together an old mobo/cpu/ram/psu and put it to work folding :D
Worth about 90-120k PPD.

Up north (Canada) where houses have basements, heat wouldn't be an issue at all. I remember basement temps always being cool. Not so much in Texas, where there are no basements (and the ambient temps are much much worse). Speaking of shutting down for summer, I'll just have to see how my room temps are. At the very least, I'll still CPU fold on a few systems, so output should be, at the minimum, what it's been this past week.
TLDR version: Check your motherboard heatsinks for a thin plastic film, and if it has one, remove it!

:lol: :lol:

It's a sign that you should keep folding during the summer :D
Also if you never folded on that rig, you may never have known about the plastic :p