Anthem Conviction trailer : Neil BlomKamp


New member
Really looking forward to the game. Enjoyed the demo, Absolutely beautiful.

Sweet video, but I'm waiting on purchasing this game. I hope it's not going to bomb, because it seems like a pretty cool idea. The fact that there's so much unknown right now about end game kinda sucks.
Sweet video, but I'm waiting on purchasing this game. I hope it's not going to bomb, because it seems like a pretty cool idea. The fact that there's so much unknown right now about end game kinda sucks.

They've laid out quite a bit of detail about end game already.

Legendary contracts
Act1 Echos of Reality
Act 2 & 3 to follow
Daily, weekly, and monthly challenges

6 levels of difficulty brings a Diablo vibe to getting loot.

I loved the demo and an looking forward to getting some time in tonight with my friends.
PS4 here too, not sure how much I’ll play though. Anymore I just buy games and don’t play them. Played maybe 2 hours each of GoW, Spider-Man,AC:O, RDR2, and Just bought Metro exodus...
Gravy I am interested in what you liked about the demo. I did not get a chance to play it and what I read in the forums was mostly negative. Well lets say it was almost all negative.

I was really looking forward to this game but Bioware and EA have really been burning my bridges as of late so I am worried.

I will be getting this one on PC, if I get it.