Bring back SmartShaders?


Keeping an open mind
Staff member
We used to have custom shaders on AMD hardware back during the X800 days(Radeon R400 arcitecture). Be kinda cool if the custom SmartShaders feature came back if it wasn't to hard to implement.
We used to have custom shaders on AMD hardware back during the X800 days(Radeon R400 arcitecture). Be kinda cool if the custom SmartShaders feature came back if it wasn't to hard to implement.

I thought they were all flexible shaders now...
Well thier are plenty of 3rd party tools, that's fair enough. But something first party again and easier to use for AMD sure wouldn't be a bad thing.
Wow someone remembers Smartshader! What I want is AMD card to be able to run Truform on newer cards. ATi ditched it after R300 (even R300 emulate it and only R200 support it in hardware)
Some old games really did look nice with bloom added. Especially games like Thief2 and ThieveryUT :D