Destiny 2

Iron Banner gear looking Mongorian inspired. I can feel Zero’s hype from here...

Samurai are mongorian now? lulz

Honestly looks like a cross between samurai and old Mongorian armor. Not bad looking...just kinda weird for the setting. Then again, I’m rocking a helmet called “insurmountable skullfort” so weird is relative I guess :lol:
That's what I'm using too. BTW iron banner mods are kinda insane. Hope you guys won't be shy about jumping into groups with the rest of the clan.
I got the iron banner assault rifle and it ****ing wrecks bitches in PVP.
I went from 288 to 292 this week. A bit disastrous since I don't have enough glimmer to purchase mods from the weapon master.
DLC 1 is out today. It was supposed to add HDR support to the PS4 version, but Bungie being Bungie, screwed up and it's bugged and it's not available.

I was looking forward to the HDR setting more than the new content :lol:


I have the PS4 Pro disc and an unused expansion pass code for sale in the For Sale thread.

I like my FPSs on PC.

I would to trade for other games (adventure/rpg/puzzle/whatever)
Any gay boning?

I'm trying it out since I bought the digital deluxe at release because I enjoyed D1, so I'll definitely enjoy.... D.... 2........................ :mad:

The new "expansion" pack is pretty short, game play is about the same as it has always been; how Bungie can create some of the best gunplay and just royally **** up the rest of the bits is beyond me though. The two big boss battles that happen are pretty fun, but don't ask me who the hell they were, why the hell they matter, or what I'm supposed to care about. The horde mode thing is a challenge, especially at a low light level, but more so due to the fact that you can only bring in 2 friends to help and hope that others on your "server" take part, as it is not intended for just 3. Have only cleared up to level 2 so far.

A lot of the old exotics got buffed for better, some are still kinda meh, especially armor. PvE seems to be a thing where they just turned up the difficulty dial on stupid one-hit kill mechanics (some of which are the modifiers, but... still) and PvP seems to have nothing but kindergartners in it as either I'm a crucible god (I'm not...) or they are all new and suck.

Doing the heroic strikes with the one modifier that makes you take more damage in the air on the strike where you go and fight the giant vex eye atop the tower. You have to use those jump points to move around the pillars to reach the top and there was one that for some reason, the enemies at the end of it were engaged every time we used it. Here we are in the air because you had to be and we got one shot, all of us, like 15 to 20 times in a row before we were able to get one of us on land and hide while the other two kept trying to get up there.

That and the first mini-boss of the new expansion is also a strike... and has massive waves of thralls that with the one-hit melee modifier was an exercise in patience to not break your TV or controller due to just stupid "you must be perfect" arbitrary restrictions.

With the ending setting up the next bad guy, here is hoping that they pull a Taken King and reinvent the new game the same way it did for D1, but then again, I don't know if people would even care then...
I'm playing on PC, and you're not kidding about difficulty now. Heroic strikes almost make rolling with your clan a must. Even then they're a pita. I was with a group of randoms last night, and we all just quit after spending 45 minutes on a freaking heroic strike. Guess I'm going to have to start running more leviathons with the clan, if I'm going to get my light level above 360.
So... any one purchasing the 40 dollar expansion? Forsaken sounds like a proper way to screw the full payment guys.
Finely got the game for my Xbox One X for 5 bucks from Best Buy. Will I even be able to play? I am currently not a Gold member. But for 5 bucks I could not let it pass (was an Elite member deal of the day today) If I can't play it now I will have to wait till I buy my next round of Gold. :D