Fav Launchers & Live Wallpapers?


Keeping an open mind
Staff member
So starting to mess with customizing my Nexus 4 alittle and was wondering. What are your favorite launchers and Live Wallpapers?

For a LWP, I'm liking Digital Hive (Free version). Finding good ones through the app store is a pia.

As for launchers, I haven't messed with anything outside of Themer, which is pretty sweet. But I'd love to hear about some other nice alternatives.
Back from the dead/elderly threads...

I need a new launcher for my S10. The default irritated me for some reason I can't remember ATM.:o So now I'm using the Microsoft Launcher which is almost as irritating.

? What's everyone's favourite Launcher these days? I'm leaning toward Nova but I'd like to here of some others. I don't like those minimalist types. And I don't mind paying a few $$ for good one.
Same with live wallpapers, I've seen some really cool ones advertised on Instagram but are they really that good or expensive or?
if you want a sleek, light launcher -> Evie

if you want deeper customization -> Nova

I prefer Evie, been using it for a long time now. As for live wallpapers, i never used them, they drain too much battery for my liking, YMMV as usual.
Thanks SR. I just checked Evie on the play store. This is the recurring theme..

I used this app for years on my Samsung phones. It was wonderful. I accidentally deleted it when setting up my Galaxy S22. Couldnt reinstall the version I'd deleted so installed the new version. Shocking. Full of ads for rubbish. Terrible interface. Poor functionality in comparison to previous version. No idea why the developers have done this, it's a real shame. I've uninstalled and am using a new launcher now.

Moral of the story is DON'T update it. Too bad.:cry:
that's sad to hear, never had any ads or other problems with Evie, but i'm also not modding that much, i basically just use it for a cleaner, leaner look.

On the other hand there are TONS of launchers lately. My guess would be that there's one that fits your requirements too ;)

That being said, i'd try out Nova, it's a really great tool for all your needs (and then some...)

If you want to tweak the UI a bit more (gadgets etc.) you should try KWGT. You can spend months tweaking around.
Thanks S-R. I'll go with Nova. I looked at that KWGT, and opted for KLWP Live wallpaper maker to start. If and When I ever get Nova the way I like it, then I'll check out KWGT.
I appreciate the suggestions.
I've been playing with this Nova Launcher for a while now. Now I hope I'm missing something here, but if I want that little circle with # of notification on the homescreen's icon then I need to allow Nova to read my emails, texts etc. Seems rather invasive so it's denied and now my only notifications are the normal drop down ones. What da heck?
Ah... launchers. They are almost all the same these days eh? Except Niagara Launcher! I switched to it a couple years ago after having used Nova and all the clones for years, I don't think I could ever go back to those. I don't need a ton of customization these days anymore. Niagara presents everything very elegantly and quickly.
