FX5900 12*MB review at UKGamer

Not a bad review at all - They even removed their Splinter Cell with AA benchmarks after people mentioned that MSAA doesn't work with the game, if only more review sites would do that (*cough*Anandtech*cough*).

They also pulled their ShaderMark numbers because they were so suspicious, so all in all a well thought out review.

I just wish I could look at any benchmark numbers for nVidia cards without wondering how many cheats are in them, but sadly nVidia have destroyed that facet of review reading for me. :(
Nice to see a reviewer that seems somewhat more knowledgeable than the current popular crop. It's interesting to note that the NV35 STILL doesn't do AA on the horizontal / offsets axis - it was something I expected to be fixed in the NV35.
They should have compared it to 9800np since that would be the closest competitor in that price range.
and they should have considerd AF in their IQ comparison part.
IQ is not only AA.....

The review was not that good. The only comments interesting for me were the ones about temperature, overclocking and so on.