GF2mx + celeron300 faster than GF4mx460 + p41.8 in wireframe mode?


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GF2mx + celeron300 faster than GF4mx460 + p41.8 in wireframe mode?

I have experienced this
Can anyone explain me why is this happening?
wireframe mode is very very hard work for any graphics card, you will find that your GF2 & celery300 would be alot worse than your GF4MX & P41.8
DEViANCE said:
wireframe mode is very very hard work for any graphics card, you will find that your GF2 & celery300 would be alot worse than your GF4MX & P41.8

How is it hard its just a bunch of lines.
mattsmall said:
How is it hard its just a bunch of lines.

yeah but it renders EVERY single line cuz u can see each shape the lines make. With a full textured polygon, it'll only render what u can see. I think.

Plus the lines bunch together and u get some insanely close accuracy rendering.