HDMI connection to Toshiba HDTv = no display


New member

The relevant hardware / software:
Radeon 3870x2
Toshiba 32XV500 1080p
Catalyst 8.10/8.11/8.12 beta
Latest realtek audio hdmi drivers
HDMI cable (dunno which kind, but it works with a PS3)
Vista x64
DVI-HDMI converter which came in the video card box (HIS)

I get no image whatsoever when extending my desktop to the HDTv, or cloning it.
When i plugin the cable in the HDTv the image starts flickering, the control center is detecting it as the correct Toshiba TV, but no matter what settings i choose the image on the TV remains blue.
I have tried fiddling with various refresh rates, alternate dvi operating modes, i've tried changing resolutions, i have basically used every single relevant Display Manager control thingie in the Catalyst drivers, with no luck.

Now here's the thing.
The first time ever i have tried doing this (just after i've bought the HDTv), it worked. I've watched a movie, then disabled the extended monitor because i wanted to play and the mouse kept going to the other screen. The second i've tried to re-enable it, it didn't work any longer.

It also needs mentioning that the whole thing works flawlessly if i use a classic VGA cable, but i only get 720p, because the damn TV accepts 1080p only through a HDMI connection.

Any thoughts ?
Could be a cable issue.
You could try the HDMI cable to some other display.

Your Samsung 2493HM 24' monitor also has a HDMI port does it not?

See what happens if you connect the HDMI cable to your Samsung.
Power the TV off, power the comp off, power the TV on, power the PC on, switch the TV to the HDMI input from your comp, then setup the extended/clone display, see what happens.
Thanks for the replies.
I'll try testing the cable on my samsung lcd.

Caveman, with both devices turned off, but connected via the HDMI cable i've tried powering the TV on to the HDMI input, then starting the computer, and the blue screen was still there :(

Anyway, when you're saying the HDMI cable could be at fault do you mean it's just broken, or the "standard" isn't correct ?
Note that while drivers could cause loss of functionality, they are only relevant in Windows and otherwise any display should automatically work. So, for troubleshooting just boot to DOS or such (if even that far). Try other ports on the card and TV (try each display one at a time too), and then alternate adapter and cable. Also, check the TV settings and manual.

I've checked the cable by using it to connect my Samsung LCD to the PC. It works fine.
I've tried using all the HDMI ports of the HDTv, no luck. With the Cable connected I've powered down both the PC and the TV, then started the TV to the HDMI input, started the PC then, no luck.
Again, the Control Center does detect my TV properly, but I get no image.
So the Samsung LCD ==> PC over HDMI is fine.
This means:
  1. The PC Video card HDMI port is ok
  2. The HDMI cable is fine
As already covered, you should see the BIOS screen on the LCD via HDMI during power on. This is even before you get to Windows.

So if you see the BIOS screen just fine with the Samsung LCD over HDMI and you don't with the other LCD. The the other LCD HDMI ports seem to be bad or they are not enabled at the set.

Everything going to the set has been tested it seems.


I've checked the cable by using it to connect my Samsung LCD to the PC. It works fine.
I've tried using all the HDMI ports of the HDTv, no luck. With the Cable connected I've powered down both the PC and the TV, then started the TV to the HDMI input, started the PC then, no luck.
Again, the Control Center does detect my TV properly, but I get no image.
Thread revive.

I've missed something.
I can get an image to the HDTv only if i use 800x600 or lower resolutions.
What the hell.

Any ideas ?
tosh 32XV555D

tosh 32XV555D

I have this exact same problem - the 800*600 thing too

I am also using a 3870 (non X2)....with the grey ati dvi-hdmi adapter.
the EDID information comes up for the device under the CCC shows the resolutions + refresh rates... but for some reason the signal its pushing out (I presume it is outputting a signal) isnt able to be read by the LCD.
from what I've found out from google, the general feeling seems to be to get an NVidia card.
unfortunately this is all money that not all of us have right now.
anyway, I've sent an email to toshiba: [email protected]
hopefully I should hear from them tomorrow...though I dont know what their holiday period support times are in the eu...I get the feeling I will get fobbed off to ATI though :/
well...if all else fails I will have to bite the bullet and change cards. VGA is not an option for me, I have a 15m HDMI cable that I have already laid through the ceiling...

meh...bed time I think!
Well, at least i'm not the only one :)

VGA is not an option for me either, because my Toshiba only accepts 1080p via a HDMI connection and nothing else.
The same problem with toshiba 32xv500

The same problem with toshiba 32xv500

Hello guy's i also got the same problem, i tried also a asus with a nvidia 9600 chip special for HDMI. I only got response at 800*600. For the rest nothing, the same problem as with my ati HD3850.

If you got the answer, please let me now.
Perhaps it would be worth switching DVI output on the graphics card? I used to have a problem with my Sony whereby if I used the wrong DVI port, and changed input on the TV then switched back the screen would go blank and the only solution was to reboot the PC. Apparently this was caused by some sort of HDCP glitch. Audio over HDMI only works on one port of the ATi card also, you will need the latest grey DVI->HDMI adaptor to use audio over HDMI. So that'd be your best bet, check which DVI port does audio out, and stick to using that port. Make sure you're on the correct input on your TV before you boot the PC.

When you say the background is blue, is it a desktop looking blue? It could be that your picture is overscanning (stretching out of the bounds of the screen), there's a slider within the CCC to control this behaviour.
Sorry for the late reply, I kinda gave up on this problem.

The blue screen is the default image the HDTv shows on any HDMI port if there is nothing to display. Some sort of "Nothing Screen" :)

I'll check which port is which, and post again.

Thanks !
New post, for ppl following this thread.

It works !
Do what Idle Wild said.

I cannot yet confirm if my settings will stick after i restart my machine, 'cause i'm a bit scared of trying that right now :)