Holy CRAP!! Nvidia cought Cheating AGAIN!!

Well renaming the exe-file for 3DMark2k1SE (like they did with 3DMark2k3) didn´t do anything for my Radeon 9000 Pro. But that would perhaps not be enough to detect any cheating.
Heh, i am pressing the bubble a bit at [H].

Here is my latest post in reply to what some clearly non-thinking individual said.
Oh thats where you are wrong. You might not care. but trust me OEM's like Dell and others care. So would the millions of Duped PC mag readers if they were all told the truth. This is no different than Sammy Sosa using a Corked bat. People if told DO care about this kind of stuff.

In fact here is the Difference between Quak and all this new stuff that has come out.

Quak = Sammy Sosa walking out with a Corked bat, with the Cork showing, Everybody notices and says. WTH is going on you cant do that! Its a freaking corked bat!!

3dmurk fiasco = Sammy Sosa walking out with a Corked bat that looks like a real bat, but when it breaks everyone sees the Cork Flying.

The First one eveyone sees and is dealt with immidiately. Also all it did was make scores even with the competition for one Baseball Game. The second one could have been going on for YEARS totally skewing the entire history of what actually happened. No one knows becuase it was HIDDEN. It also drastically inflated the scores ABOVE the competition.

Now why is it that some unnamed individuals cant see that??? instead they say *If you cant see it its not cheating* and other assorted laughable statements..
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Hellbinder said:
Heh, i am pressing the bubble a bit at [H].

Here is my latest post in reply to what some clearly non-thinking individual said.

Oh thats where you are wrong. You might not care. but trust me OEM's like Dell and others care. So would the millions of Duped PC mag readers if they were all told the truth. This is no different than Sammy Sosa using a Corked bat. People if told DO care about this kind of stuff.

In fact here is the Difference between Quak and all this new stuff that has come out.

Quak = Sammy Sosa walking out with a Corked bat, with the Cork showing Everybody notices and says. WTH is going on you cant do that its a freaking corked bat.

3dmurk fiasco = Sammy Sosa walking out with a Corked bat that looks like a real bat, but when it breaks everyone sees the Cork Flying.

The First one eveyone sees and is dealt with immidiately. Also all it did was make scores even with the competition. The second one could have been going on for YEARS totally skewing the entire history of what actually happened. No one knows becuase it was HIDDEN. It also drastically inflated the scores ABOVE the competition.

Now why is it that some unnamed individuals cant see that??? instead they say *If you cant see it its not cheating* and other assorted laughable statements.
Now WTH is a corked bat? and what advantage does it give?
I modified the above post slighty... just FYI.

Ok a corked bat, means that the interior is filled with cork. Which adds a lot of rection to the Ball, thus sending it a whole lot further. Thus generating many more home runs. It is illegal and cheating.

Yes this is based ona real event. Samy sosa the Home Run leader next to mark maguire had a bat break on him last week and the cork went flying. This is after posting 3 consecutive 60+ HR seasons.

On a funny note he claimed that it was an *accident* or a *bug* if you will. He accidently grabbed the wrong bat... :rolleyes:
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Hellbinder said:
I modified the above post slighty... just FYI.

Ok a corked bat, means that the interior is filled with cork. Which adds a lot of rection to the Ball, thus sending it a whole lot further. Thus generating many more home runs. It is illegal and cheating.

Yes this is based ona real event. Samy sosa the Home Run leader next to mark maguire had a bat break on him last week and the cork went flying. This is after posting 3 consecutive 60+ HR seasons.

On a funny note he claimed that it was an *accident* or a *bug* if you will. He accidently grabbed the wrong bat... :rolleyes:
I see, pretty good analogy. If baseball doesn't work for him anymore he might join nv's PR department.
Hannibal Lecter said:
a corked bat gives you 1% increase in power.....what nvidia is doing is a lot worse

That 1% can be the difference between a homerun and a basehit...eh. Baseball, like most sports, is a game of inches.
Re: Uhm, question?

Re: Uhm, question?

digitalwanderer said:
Does anyone know how to test/reproduce this yet? Has it been confirmed?

Well, here's an interesting statement from the Beyond3D thread on this issue, and I think it says a lot about the extent of nVidia's cheating:

- Detonators have 73-element table of "recognized" applications
- ~50 "recognized" shaders
He simply wrote rivatuner-patch hich will "block" detection routines in the driver.

Anyway, it sounds like to reproduce this you need the correct patch to block the Detonators from doing any kind of application detection.
....yet again?

In fact by now nVidia doesn't care, now that theres a precedent for them to get away clean.

I see a terrible storm coming, I see millions of 7300FXs making it to every day users homes, I see thousands of mis-spelled post ranting on why they can't get more than 20(or some low unplayable number) frames in Doom4.(Or some such DX9+ game)

How could that be?! They got a bajillion 3D04/5marks!!!!!

Whats going on?!

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Dazed&Confused said:
Yet another day, and another [N]vidia cheat.

This damn hole is getting pretty deep!

It's too bad they get away with every cheat by claiming the hole is going to be a new pool or something..
Hellbinder said:
Look at some of this utter drivil i am having to respond to. It is so clear that becuase of Kyle 99% of the people at [H] no longer have the ability to think and reason for themselves.


Some of that crap is simply unbelievable... :rolleyes:
Give it up, that place is hopeless. As you've pointed out, Kyle has pretty much run off anyone capable of free thought and all he's got left there are a whole bunch of clueless "yes-men" who help Kyle to feel better by agreeing with his assinign logic. :rolleyes:

But I'll give him points for not yanking your thread...yet. ;)

Alpha said:
It's too bad they get away with every cheat by claiming the hole is going to be a new pool or something..

Good one, quickly figure out a good picture to put that on and get it up! ;)
CodeCreatures Benchmark....

CodeCreatures Benchmark....

.... Everyone knows that Nvidia's cards do quite well in this benchmark... but... i thought i saw a few screenshots (using Nvidia's cards... somewhere)
and i compared them to my older ATI card (8500) and the leaves looked to be thinner (or lack of) in the reflection from the water.
At that time i just assumed my eyes were deceiving me but maybe with all this crap that been going on, maybe my eyes are not that bad after all. :)
funny how nVIidia has to cheat to beat the competition........because otherwise they just suck......sad thing is it still goes to show you that IQ is NOT as IMPORTANT as SPEED is..

/me hugs ATi Radeon 9500Pro