just bought a DS:Lite

Looks like the possible release date is June 11 if this link http://ds.advancedmn.com/article.php?artid=3633 is accurate.

Which means a UK release will be a lot later. Not that I care now as a shop reasonably near me got a few in on import and me and a mate just picked one up each.

Brain Age is pretty good, I've managed to get my brain age down to 20. Though thats probably due to the fact that you have the option of cherry picking the three tests that your best at, rather than letting it choose three random ones.
Bires said:
Brain Age is great. It's a series of mental excercises and puzzles designed to make you smarter while having fun. It's fun and addictive. LOTS of Sudoku puzzles.
qft and recommended :up: