Nintendo 3DS 2017

Which 3ds games play well on the old 3ds, that can be found pretty easily at Gamestop or similar stores?

Even though I'm old, my family still insists on getting me xmas presents and 3ds games are really the only convenient thing for them to get me.

I'm interested in the new Metroid remake, but if the 3d is really important maybe I'll wait until I upgrade. I've already played Donkey King Reruns on the Wii and Yoshi Woolly World has a better framerate on the new one so I'm definitely gonna wait until I upgrade.

I already have Mario kart, Super Smash Bros and New SMB 2...
I finally got Super Mario Maker 3d. I almost bought a Wii U for this game several years ago, but thankfully it came out on 3ds. Unfortunately, none of my close friends have the game, as it would probably be a lot of fun to make each other levels. You are probably assuming that I just make a bunch of troll levels, but I've actually never: made an autoscroller, used hidden blocks, or made a swimming level. Also, I have to play test my own levels so the difficulty can only be as hard as I can handle.

I finished DQ8 mid December. It had been so long since I played it on PS2 that it was actually a pretty fresh experience.

I started DQ7, but couldn't really get into it. I think I've just heard\read too much about it over the last 20 years. If I had gone into it blind, I probably would have gotten more out of it. They advertised the game as "long" and "slow". Imagine if the UFC booked Clay Guida vs Danny Castio with the tag line "Do you like split decisions? Neither of these guys is likely to finish!" Sure, lots of great fights go to decision, but I don't want to watch one knowing it's going to from the start. What was I talking about.. Oh yeah, couldn't get into DQ7.

Currently playing Bravely Second. I love the saving turns through defending mechanic from Bravely Default, and I love having to look at available job skills to figure out how to deal with the bosses, but I just despise the characters and story. It looks like they took the blandest goody two shoes and then tried to add 'tude' and 'sass' afterworlds. The result is a jumbled mess of extra wordy frivolous fluff with very little relevant information getting across. I recommend skipping all text (x, a), turning off random encounters and just playing it boss rush style. The first game looked like it was scraping the bottom of the desperation barrel for job ideas, so it's no surprise that the second one contains middle age cat lady, and cake maker who ONLY does gay weddings as combat relevant jobs.

I heard rumors that Atlus is remaking Radiant Historia? Also, what does everyone think of the Metroid 2 game?
Since getting the 3DS I've acquainted myself with Japanese franchises much more, and hazindu, just about everything you mentioned is something I'm now vaguely aware of.....

Speaking of which, I got my first Fire Emblem game, FE Echoes Shadows of Valentia. It's a remake of the 2nd ever FE game, from the NES, so I figure it's as good a place as any to start. As expected, it's a lot of grinding, but part of that is because I'm playing on Hardcore and Classic modes...

Damn, that'd be neat to play Mario levels made by someone I knew! Might even buy the game just for that!
Are those Wario Ware games no good for single player? It's the only new game since Metroid I've had any interest in....
Perfect Chronology is turning out to be one of the most satisfying RPG experiences I've had in a long time. I had the original Radiant Historia on DS, but I didn't get very far into it and it's been so long I don't remember why. Apparently, they fixed whatever I didn't like though.