People got the DS Lite early


New member
Check it out , I just went to WalMart a few mins ago and they didn't have any out for sale. The cleaning guys just kinda stared at me when I asked about the system lol.
Yup, several people around the country got their DS Lites early, lucky bastards. I would try to get one, too, but I literally have no funds at the moment. I'm still waiting for my Overstock shipment which will ship out on the 11th.
Target, so I hear, is selling early.

With the way these releases are controllerd, I thought that there was a legal agreement to release on a certain date :hmm:
Sir_Baron said:
I got mine 2 months early...

Yes i'm a bastard :p
Yeah, but yours is an import. It's not like you cheated the system and got one way before the release date. Plus you had to pay extra. ;)

How is your Lite, btw? Still having fun with it? I already have NSMB, and I recently ordered MP:H...but I can't play anything cause I don't have a DS yet! :cry:
ViCyniC said:
Yeah, but yours is an import. It's not like you cheated the system and got one way before the release date. Plus you had to pay extra. ;)

How is your Lite, btw? Still having fun with it? I already have NSMB, and I recently ordered MP:H...but I can't play anything cause I don't have a DS yet! :cry:

Ok so i paid like £30 extra, pfft cheap change :p.

It's great still, though i wish i got a white. Man does this pick up the fingerprints too easily :(, Glossy looks great but unless you want to keep it that way you can never touch it.

So either it looks pretty and you can't touch it or it looks all smudgy and you can touch it. GAH

Awesome screen quality though!
We've had one at Toys-R-Us all of last week but it's just the display, and it's running a demo of that new Super Mario game.

I don't have the money for one, plus I use my iriver U10 for mobile gaming. Any game more complex than that isn't really for mobile gaming, to me.