Radeon & NFS: PU


New member
Hi guys,
I got my Radeon 64 vivo yesterday and looks great so far. But my NFS Porsche Unleashed doesn't run, it gives me a weird erroe message. Any idea if it's my system or is it Radeon problem?
Is there any other driver set rather than the one shipping with the card yet?
Maybe stupid but I got errors untill I ran the 3DSetup. In the 3DSetup dir. If you don't have it running yet..
you may need to go to d3d options and have it do 16, 24, 32 bit z buffer...that fixed the problem for me...
Thanx Crash,
It worked, and looks like heaven! :) this card is great, now I need a 1600x1200 monitor.

Thanx again,
Yes Znore,
I tried it through your link, and it worked then. Just didn't have time to thank you then. sorry for that, and thanks again.
