Radeon review

Hey, Pascal

The review you found has been posted in our headlines!

Your name has been noted of course, that you found it.
Thanks Jarrett, now I am famous :cool:
Yes, it is an english version of the russian article and I had already posted the link before, but I realized nobody got it. The I posted again as new topic to get the atention to the link. The credit should go to another guy, his homepage: http://home.wanadoo.nl/jankees/

Interresting he is crediting you guys !!!

Some more info. Probably Evolva is not a good benchmark because it is not using a three textures to do the bump mapping. Some people believe it is doing some tricks with the CPU.

My Radeon 32MB DDR is coming next week. I will have a lot of work testing it :cool:

Sure, I didn't find that Digit Life review :)
BTW, iXBT Russia has a LOT interesting stuff.
I get the impression they keep the good stuff for themselves ;)

I posted that page long time ago. Who takes original credit? the webpage master of iXBT who I know personally. I didn't delete it but moved it to where it belonged and where I originally had it. http://www.rage3d.com/#966785219

[Note: This message has been edited by MrB]

I still gotta disagree kinda...

That review may have been the same but NO ONE that comes to Rage3D can read Russian.

So, it's new to EVERYONE now cause they can read it.

I'm still a little "iffy."