Resizable BAR - needed?


Official taste-tester
Staff member
Just got the 3080 Ti and have a question for my fellow Ragers. I'm sure this has been discussed, but my Search-Fu is weak. Is there a benefit to performance to turning on Resizable BAR via the BIOS? I've Googled a bit but can't seem to find a definitive answer. What's your experience?
AC: Valhalla seems to be the only game that it makes a difference in, and even then, it's a small increase.

No reason to disable it if you have compatible hardware, though. There's a few cases of instability that people are pinning to ReBAR but meh, usually AMD systems from what I've seen.

I'd enable it, and if you have any issues, disable it. Probably won't notice any difference either way.
Not needed but not sure why you won’t turn it on. There are only a handful of games that are adversely affected by it.
Yeah it's turned on. Just wasn't sure what (if any) difference it makes in games. Now I know.