Team Rage3D needs artists and stuff




we are in need of someone with artistic abilities. we need a team logo to post on statsman's site. other team's logos can be seen by following the links on the main page.

statsman will customize our statistics page with our own color scheme and a bad@ss TeamRage3D logo! need i say w00t??/

so, let's get cranking!

a few hours are yours for the taking. i am very excited (not in a perverse way) to see someone step up to this so quickly.

}{ollowþoin†, you are the man!
Yeah, well I'm stil fighting with @home webspace to upload the file. I got two basic ideas down, I need some input on any changes or addittions you guys would like. Maybe I could e-mail them to one of you guys and you could put them up? I'll keep trying with websaoce, but it's being a pain right now.
First Run...

First Run...

I think I like #2...any suggestions? I didn't want to go too extravagant with these seeing as how they're only banner logos...but I'd have to ask the Admins of Rage3D for permission to use their logo which is in the bottom right-hand corner...

What do you guys think?

Number One

Number Two
Last edited:

email them to me [email protected]

not sure if i will have any luck posting them either, but i will try. and i can, of course, give you any needed input. brain surgery is not my specialty, but every once in a while i have a thought or two.

thanks for the hard work
Real nice HollowPoint - if you have time, I think the second picture with the slogan from the first one would rule - great job
Okay, so the slogan from the first with the logo of the second? Is that what we think? Give me about 25-30 minutes to see if anyone else replies about what they think...but so far, I agree with you guys...I loved the slogan. ;)
BTW, thanks for your compliments.

I still need to find out if Rage3D will allow me to use thier graphic or not...

I guess an e-mail would be sufficient?
I don't think Mr.B will have a problem with you using the Rage3D logo. My vote says definatly the logo with the second picture
*L*.. I love that slogan..

but I don't knowl about the logo from the second one.. maybe it will grow on me later. *L*

But Good Job.

And I like the colors. Different from the frontpage Blue.
Now I'm just waiting on Mr.B to respond to my e-mail about using the logo from the boards...

All looks good so far, I like how it turned out, simple and bold.
}{ollowþoin† said:

Looks fine to me!
but hey can someone do this (taken from the EM prog. README)

"My Team has their own Logo, How do I use it?

If you are a member of a team and you have a logo you want to display in the Team window, make a picture that is 300 pixels wide and 26 pixels high and save it as either a bmp, gif, or jpg file with the name teamlogo. The last thing EM does when loading the cfg info is to search for a file named teamlogo with one of those three picture types. While EM will size any picture to fit into the 300 x 26 pixel format, I would suggest not doing that as it will use more system resources and will probably look ugly anyway. Animated gif files are not supported, but you can set a transparent color… the background in that case will be black."