The Orville - New Horizons


Just another Troll

"When Star Trek Discovery is going to make it to the airwaves is anyone’s guess. Until then, though, we’ve got what looks like the next best thing: Seth MacFarlane’s spoof of the franchise, The Orville.

Fox just released the first trailer for the show, which stars MacFarlane and Adrianne Palicki as a divorced couple who are basically Kirk and Spock on a brand new spaceship with a suitably crazy crew."

I'm one of the 4 or 5 people that actually enjoyed his Western movie, "A million ways to Die in the West" so I'm sure I'll enjoy this one.
I am actually looking forward to that. "A million ways to die in the west" was a bit too stupid for my liking, but given that I enjoy Trek, this might just work for me.



Set 300 years in the future, the show follows the adventures of the Orville, a not-so-top-of-the-line exploratory ship in Earth's interstellar Fleet. Facing cosmic challenges from without and within, this motley crew of space explorers will boldly go where no comedic drama has gone before.

Might be fun enough to watch, will definitely keep an eye on it.
I'm looking forward to this series. But it is on Fox, where good shows go to die and only the crappy ones survive. :bleh:
I'm looking forward to this series. But it is on Fox, where good shows go to die and only the crappy ones survive. :bleh:

So true. I just found out Fox has canceled Pitch, the show about the first (fictional) female MLB baseball player. :cry:
release date?

Wonder where the name comes from? Only Orville I have ever heard of is Orville Redenbacher...
Will watch but as others have said not much hope of this happening for long with the way they handled Firefly.
Sounds like MacFarlane. He also reuses a lot of jokes, which is my only worry about this show. Otherwise it looks good.

That's par for the course for him though. Same joke, different setting. It's only because I enjoy Trek that I'll likely enjoy this iteration of the jokes. :bleh: