What's your best screen time on your phone?


New member
I have no idea how my S7 Edge is doing this, I've had it since the day they came out and I just got 8 hours of screen time for the first time ever. I've been seeing 5 hours a day for awhile now but this is insane.


Jut got a BB Priv, shipped with 5.1.1.

Just browsing around, I would lose about 1% per 2 minutes...
Yikes... But I jost got it so no problem, go over to BlackBerry support
and download the images to the latest firmware.

I fresh install 6.0.1 and now I get about 1% per 5-6 minutes of heavy browsing
and it literally only took 3% from 11PM to 8:30AM of standby.
It could standby for probably 7 days :)
I don't use my phone that much in a day anymore :lol: I do about 3hrs a day, mainly because I Remote RDP in to my work laptop.