Why We Fold


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Staff member
Why do you Fold?

There are an endless number of valid reasons. Maybe you have a friend or family member who is fighting cancer, or maybe you have lost someone to cancer. Maybe you like being part of something bigger than yourself; a cause to follow. Maybe you're a number person, competing with yourself and others - pushing to best last week's numbers.

Maybe you have that old computer still sitting around that was supposed to become a mail server - just as soon as you learned Linux ... and your better half has told you to either put it to use or get rid of it! Or maybe you've built a new machine and can't figure what to do with all those extra clock cycles.

Why do you Fold?
Why do I Fold? A combination of reasons actually.

Cancer is the big one. I lost my grandmother to colon cancer back in 1995, my 11 year old niece to leukemia in 2000, my mother-in-law is a breast cancer survivor (which increases the chances that my wife will have the same issues in the future), and my grandfather also has leukemia.

Almost all the other possible reasons I listed in the original post are a factor. My dad's an accountant, so numbers are in my blood; I find myself checking the stats pages on almost a daily basis to see if my production is off or if the team is still loosing ground to Icrontic or MaximumPC. I also have control of quite a few computer systems that were spending a significant amount of time doing nothing but pushing around screensavers, and Folding puts these extra clock cycle to work.

I originally Folded for United Devices, but dropped from that project when I discovered that UD was profitting financially from the volunteer work. It wasn't until I bought my 9700 Pro and was searching for support forums that I discovered Folding@Home. The rest is history.

What's your story?
Pojo said:
to smack all of you down....

Pojo, you ARE the bomb! :D

Whatever your reasons, Team Rage3D wouldn't be the same without you!
I used to be a SETI freak - and back in about December of 2000, I saw that DSL Reports had a cancer research DC team - this thing called Folding@Home... so I thought hey, that's way more useful than SETI.

So I decided to join their team, and did so for a few months. All of a sudden, I realized that Rage3D was starting to get large, so I spoke to MrB and asked if I could start a Rage3D folding team.

Since then, I have had some relatives get cancer, and I have also got the addiction of number crunching - so it all added up to me to keep adding more machines to the project, and do a whole lot of recruiting.

The rest is history... :)
I figure that will all the time I spend in front of the xray tube. Next the PC that has CPUs running at microwave frequencies, and surrounded my Electro-magnetic radiation. It's in my best interest to do folding@home. :D
My grandpa died Monday - another victim to cancer.

As if I needed another reason to fold ... :mad: :(
The number 1 cause of death in my (extended) familly has been cancer. Its soo bad that i even lost count.

I originally started folding back in september (2003) but i wasn't to serious about it. After my grandmother died from breast cancer and Aunt was diegnosed with colon cancer i desided to install it on all my PCs.

I am now nearing the 300 mark (currently 323) but with a little help i will be in the top 100 by the end of the year.
Fobinator said:
The number 1 cause of death in my (extended) familly has been cancer. Its soo bad that i even lost count.

I originally started folding back in september (2003) but i wasn't to serious about it. After my grandmother died from breast cancer and Aunt was diegnosed with colon cancer i desided to install it on all my PCs.

I am now nearing the 300 mark (currently 323) but with a little help i will be in the top 100 by the end of the year.

grandpa had cancer pretty much over his entire digestive tract (liver, stomach, eveyrthing else down there) and was given 6 mo to live. he struggled and managed 2 years. my grnadma had a tumor in her nasal cavity, lost her saliva and nearly her life.

both smoked.
My 17 year old duaghter has CF and would not be with us today if not for this type of work . Thanks to all who fold !!!!!!!!
The reasons are two fold :) First and formost because I believe in this project. My family is prone to cancer. I have seen many go well before their time. I hope not to be one of them, bless their souls. On a larger scale, how can you not? If you own a computer, there is no excuse not to, period.

On a lighter note, it is fun.

i'm addicted....folding is a drug...its bad!!!
So well said.

Dunno really , just enjoy racking up the points
For that reason also.

And finally, hey, you paid good money for that proc, might as well make it pull it's own wieght!
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alex-the-cat said:
CPUs are made to be used.
If CPUs are made to be used, why not using it to do something meaningful?

Especially if you leave your comp on all the time anyways. I'm burning in a new cpu with F@H right now and already I got some good temp drops from the AS5. Another few days to go ;)
