Your Winter Console Gaming Wishlisht


Rage3D Subscriber
So what are you gays going to be punching on them new boxes.

My wishlist below:

Cyberpunk 2077 (whichever console looks best)
Ass Creed Valhalla (whichever console looks best)
Spider Man Miles Morales (PS5)
Immortals Fenyx Rising (whichever console looks best)
Ratchet and Clank (PS5)
Godfall (if not souls like - PS5)
Demon's Soul

Don't see myself playing anyone them in 2020 though, as I'm not going to participate in any F5 races.
Only game that has my interest is the Demon's Souls remake, but one game is not enough to make me want to buy a console.

In that case hoping the rumors of it coming to PC next year are true and I will hold out for that. Guess console gaming is dead to me.
Honestly there's nothing coming out that really interests me. Closest thing is the Spiderman remaster. I'll end up getting both the PS5 & new xbox at some point, and I'm super excited for the performance improvements in BC games for both... but I don't feel much of a sense of urgency for either.

I did pre-order a Quest2, so maybe that's my thing to be excited about this season.

Also, I've recently gotten an RGB CRT setup going, so I've been tinkering alot with Genesis, Saturn, SNES, etc. I'm finally going to beat Nights into Dreams, and actually I'm more excited about that than any new games this year.
Demon's Souls remake.
Ghost of Tsushima DLC.
Nioh 2 DLC

Whatever is released on the Halo MC collection eventually...

Mix of platforms there...but that about covers my want list for now.
Demon's Souls
Ratchet & Clank
Godfall, AC Vallahalla and Immortals will get on whichever platform is best (PS5 should in theory perform better than my current PC, specially in regards to the CPU)
Cyberpunk PC because of the sweet RTX effects and DLSS.
Super Mario 3D All-Stars - but I won't pay the price Nintendo is asking which means I won't get it

Cyberpunk 2077 XSX
Star Wars Squadrons XSX
...maybe Crash Bandicoot 4 if it comes to the XSX but I won't pay full price for that either

that's all I can think of for now...all the 192 games I currently own on my Xbox along with Game Pass will keep me busy for a while