Call of Duty 2022/Modern Warfare 2 2

F’er that! I see they are taking on the Sony PS5 pricing scheme, because 600 million profits is just not enough anymore.:hmm:
Back to steam huh. We'll it will probably sell like hotcakes, especially given it's a Modern Warfare subtitle game.

trailer was pretty much as expected.
Open beta is soon. You can preload on 20.4gb They require a phone number now to play the game.
Well seems okay to me. Runs good on my 6700xt. Guns sound louder to me. They have a million field upgrades which might take some adapting. Only played a few maps in 6v6 but they seemed decent so far. I like that they have two sides for the operators, although I suppose it didn't make a huge difference in vanguard. No stupid end of round top 3 animations either.
$70 for a 4hr SP campaign is :nuts:

Just wait for it to come to game-pass :D

The sound is now raytraced and from the YT videos I've watched...:drool:. Reminds of when we used to have proper 3D audio back in the day. I could see myself playing this game by ear alone if I liked COD games.
The audio is super weird to me, like it's low-res.

But otherwise, it feels like a CoD, screaming children over voice chat included... dear lord, the children.

Edit: I fixed the audio quality issue. The headphones mix setting sucks balls.
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Well I generally like it. maps are pretty good. sound is nice. I'm not sold on the new perk system. Perks are grouped and you gain perks through the match. Also the weapon unlock system seems like a mess. You have to use specific guns to unlock other guns. Not a fan of that. Just put them behind levels as usual.
Played a bit. It's OK.

Feels like a COD game. Which I don't really like.

A little too cartoonish for me.
Does this one play like COD or is it still a game that favors camping in a corner?

It's pretty close to mw2019 but the audio for footsteps is quite accurate and so you can just walk/crouch and listen to people run around corners for kills. So I guess it can be more campy, but to me feels like counter-strike. Also since ghost is a late game perk now, uav is great for most of the match, which I think sort of opens it up for being aggressive with recon up. And you also have snapshot nades and cameras. I play pretty aggressive in cod games (lots of captures in dom) and I don't really think this game is that campy. People sure are whining about it though.

32v32 Ground War is a better battlefield game than battlefield. But once again they've left the killstreak/scorestreak system the same as 6v6. Makes it a complete mess due to things being called in so often. UAV UAV UAV COUNTER UAV UAV COUNTER CRUISE. I'd love for them to just double or triple the killstreak req in ground war, just to make it a bit more reasonable. You can still have it, just reduce it. Also ground war has been really unstable, lots of jittery movements and lag and sync issues.