Everything pisses me off…


No Chops
Rage3D Subscriber
Retail service is not what it was 3 years ago... I have examples.
Contractor service not what it was 3 years ago... I have examples.
Entertainment industry...wtf

ahhhggghhh…. Whiskey, :-) I’ll love you as long as my liver holds out.:lol:

I can't become a hermit(I have a wife) but thinking of moving to a flyover state. Are things any better away from the US coast?
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I'm about as flyover as you can get (SE Kansas, SW Missouri) Service is not the greatest here and there are help-wanted signs all over here, too. It's not horrible, though.

I haven't been to a big city since the pandemic started, plus the Royals suck so we don't go to KC anymore, so I have nothing with which to compare.

I always figured one of the biggest advantages to living here is not having to deal with crowds and long lines, but it's just a guess. In August when wifey and I went to vote down the anti-abortion ballot measure, we had to drive 20 minutes to lovely downtown Weir, KS, but once there we were in and out in ten.
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Even though my small town is growing like crazy, the service here is very good...when you can get it. "NOW HIRING" signs are everywhere, and the trades (plumbing, electrical, drywall, etc) all have long wait times because of the huge influx of new people who have moved here since COVID hit. I miss the smile-and-wave-at-strangers vibe that we used to have.
As sucks for me to say, the quality of life is getting worse and worse because population is out of control. Resources aren't exactly getting better because of COVID and war either. EVERYTHING is targeted towards the mass audience and we are paying more for inferior goods.

So yeah, I guess you have a reason to be constantly negative.

Joking aside, I guess you should concentrate on people who matters most to you? Hermit life might sound good but it severely ruined my mental health. Lived like that for at least 5 years. No matter how bad it is out there, it's not worth it bro.
I'm also tired of people in real life. I just want to do my work, leave me alone so I can work.

I would love to retire and not have to deal with people.
I'm probably not in the best state at the moment, as it is wedding season and I am dealing with up to three weddings a week. People throwing cigarettes wherever the hell instead of in the sand-filled receptacle next to them. Stressed out parents, type A couples who over-think every second and control everything their wedding party does, type Z couple who don't communicate at ALL and expect you to read minds... inflexible vendors who REFUSE to believe you know your own ducking venue and what they want will not fit...

I agree. I want my last decades in the middle of the woods, away from everyone. But I think I do want some good friends over for good food and good wine or damn good whiskey and a fire. Maybe every full moon so it's fitting if we howl with laughter.

Life has become frustrating. I feel like it's designed to be. I feel like most people do not consider the person next to them at the store anymore, or the person in front of them or behind them while driving. I feel like paperwork is off the charts (well, fine, now it's all done sitting at this ducking glowing screen and I haaaaaate being chained to my desk). I feel like so much of life is designed to be confusing, inconvenient, and expensive.

I'll be fine come December though. :-) After the hubby and I sleep for two weeks.
Maybe if less people spent so much effort crapping on service workers during the pandemic all the good ones wouldn’t have bailed for less customer facing job.
There’s not an awful lot pissing me off today. I had a major meltdown recently at work…between managers there, and some really tense personal situations both in my family and my best friends family and it all caught up to me - wasn’t pretty.

But I had a job in Cambridge that day, which means seeing a few homeless, which reminds me of my roots and sets a perspective that sticks for a while.

Fast forward to this morning and my daughter and grandkids are ok, Mom is ok for the moment, my buddies family is good and I somehow managed to not get fired before I retire.

It’s incredible how quickly I can forget everything I have to be grateful for.
Is seems the older I get, the less things piss me off. It’s not worth it these days. I seem to be opposite most as there seems to be a lot of pissed off old people out there!
To be honest though, I see why you are pissed.

From an "outsider's" point of view, the USA is preparing for an overhaul that pushes for equality amongst all races. Strengthening their position as the world leader as China becomes a major competitor with their silk road initiative.

With such moves though, it seems major sacrifices have been made. And yes, all in all, that includes the quality of life many seem to have taken for granted.

Challenging time guys, please hang in there.
Used to be small towns were the place to be for quiet quality life. But contractors have less competition so you get jerked around more and people have less kids so theres less people doing service work. And the number of homeless people who came through town this summer was nuts. Makes walking along the trails a bit hairy at times. You can feel things are changing.

But people made these poor choices: Lower taxes, less kids, less good important services, less reliable goods and more common but cheaper lower quality basic goods and services...

We could have had a better society. Still can if we want.
To be honest though, I see why you are pissed.

From an "outsider's" point of view, the USA is preparing for an overhaul that pushes for equality amongst all races. Strengthening their position as the world leader as China becomes a major competitor with their silk road initiative.

With such moves though, it seems major sacrifices have been made. And yes, all in all, that includes the quality of life many seem to have taken for granted.

Challenging time guys, please hang in there.

It’s nice your view of us is so positive. If you want your bubble burst, come on over and watch some our cable news pundits for a week.
It’s nice your view of us is so positive. If you want your bubble burst, come on over and watch some our cable news pundits for a week.

I don't think his state run media would have a positive view of us. Would really contrast what his ambassadors are saying about us if true.
Just a friendly reminder guys: It’s hard not treading into political territory these days, but let’s please steer clear of it here > not directed at anyone in particular, just a reminder.

Thanks gents.
Just put an offer in for a house in a gated 55+ golf community.
Maybe limiting my exposure to the real world will help lower my whisky bills.:D
Even though my small town is growing like crazy, the service here is very good...when you can get it. "NOW HIRING" signs are everywhere, and the trades (plumbing, electrical, drywall, etc) all have long wait times because of the huge influx of new people who have moved here since COVID hit. I miss the smile-and-wave-at-strangers vibe that we used to have.

that goes away fast when a lot of those strangers stop just passing thru