Forza Horizon 4

Played the XBX1 demo last night on 4K 30fps and it ran flawlessly. HDR also made the colours pop somewhat but have to agree it's a dope demo TBH. Also downloaded it onto my PC and had to leave it running overnight the download speeds are so sh*t from MS store. Haven't played it on PC yet but might try it at the weekend.

I will admit that I've always been a PC elitist but the XB1X has opened my eyes somewhat and I would now put myself in the skeptical camp. Gaming on the sofa with a 4K TV and HDR has really broadened my horizons, gaming wise. OK it's not 4K all the time but I can't tell the difference it just looks great to me.
Well when top end video cards cost $1200 I believe I will be going more console in the future, I have a 1080 TI and an X1X and what can I say the X1X is good enough for me. I buy games for the X1X that I could have bought on the PC. I will play Forza 4 on both the PC and X1X but I'm betting I play it more on the 1X
I have PS4 Pro, X1X and a powerful PC. For all long games I am going to be playing on the consoles as I simply cannot sit for that long to play on PC. Some other X1X games are Ass Creed Odyssey and RDR2 that I will pick up. Finally last PS4 game for the year would be BLOPS4 simply because the community will be largest on that console.
A few observations:

Game on PC is dope like 120 FPS dope
Game on X1X is only playable at performance setting. Only a ****ing idiot will play at quality as it dips massively during collisions which is like 30% of a race.
HDR is not all that good to be honest. So I am going to continue boning this on PC and X1X during the nights.
Wow I haven’t played this much Forza Horizon on release. I am already level 33+ or something, have broken about 40+ boards, done all showcases, seen all seasons, done about 4-5 season series, did a Forzathon, and already have more than 50 cars in my garage. lol wtf. I love this game. :drool:
Wow I haven’t played this much Forza Horizon on release. I am already level 33+ or something, have broken about 40+ boards, done all showcases, seen all seasons, done about 4-5 season series, did a Forzathon, and already have more than 50 cars in my garage. lol wtf. I love this game. :drool:

Didn't you post this else where? lol Reported for cross posting the same info.. Spamming retard. lololol.
Pfft, keep telling yourselves that, deep inside, you guys know that you are beneath us horizon 4 VIP overlords.

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