Official PhysX Thread

Self explaining , if you want to play your Harold advanture with hairwork or Batman with the fancy cape and smoke without any frame drops what so ever on your AMD GPU.

Personal i think it got to do with the dx12/vulkan open agreement to multi gpu, just wild speculating here . And Micro$ofr and Khronos got the call after all from a develper point off view. AMD bin open source all the time from what I'm aware . Nvidia well .. yah well $

P.S. Who will get the little,tiny itsipitsi hint, i put in there ;)
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Self explaining , if you want to play your Harold advanture with hairwork or Batman with the fancy cape and smoke without any frame drops what so ever on your AMD GPU.

Personal i think it got to do with the dx12/vulkan open agreement to multi gpu, just wild speculating here . And Micro$ofr and Khronos got the call after all from a develper point off view. AMD bin open source all the time from what I'm aware . Nvidia well .. yah well $

P.S. Who will get the little,tiny itsipitsi hint, i put in there ;)
"Self explaining"

How about drop the cloak and dagger bullshit and tell us what you're on about? :confused:
It's good to see Zogrim's site: Physxinfo still going. Nvidia still spending resources on PhysX and Flex.

I honestly thought you died because you stopped posting other forums as well, and your kin wasn't aware of your online presence to even inform us.
Self explaining , if you want to play your Harold advanture with hairwork or Batman with the fancy cape and smoke without any frame drops what so ever on your AMD GPU.

Personal i think it got to do with the dx12/vulkan open agreement to multi gpu, just wild speculating here . And Micro$ofr and Khronos got the call after all from a develper point off view. AMD bin open source all the time from what I'm aware . Nvidia well .. yah well $

P.S. Who will get the little,tiny itsipitsi hint, i put in there ;)

It is interesting the sorta options it's opening up. It also is enabling Freesync to work on nVidia GPU's and G-Sync to work on AMD GPU's.
Thanks for the feedback, Pauly started this thread and he contributes to it so I'll wait to hear from him.
Physx is still utilized even to now and integrated into most game engines. It's automatically installed with every new Nvidia driver, unlike stereoscopic 3d which is no longer included or supported in new drivers. But PhysX is so common place and integrated you don't need to really reference "physx" like it's something new or 3rd party anymore. Most game engines that use Physx as part of their physics engine don't even advertise it as "physx" anymore like you used to see in game logos. When physx code is run on AMD/Intel it runs on the CPU, with Nvidia you can choose CPU or GPU, but I don't think GPU makes much of a difference, if any these days.
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