This thread is for people who registered before 2003 ONLY

Last time I visited was Sept 30, 2013 ... wow.

Guess I got away from the "scene" when I threw in the towel and went 100% Apple, back in 2007. Having grown tired of the iMac's thermal constraints and the cost of Apple hardware in general, I just built my first PC in 16 years - a Hackintosh with a Sapphire Nitro+ 5700 XT. I'm back! lol

Was just looking through some old Lightroom catalogs ... I had a 9700 Pro back in the day, which I upgraded to an X800 Pro and then an X800 XT (which cost like $900, IIRC) ... I've always been in the red camp, it seems.

Jesus, it's been a while ! Welcome back :)
Apple? Necro? Who draws ye forth from the pit!

Umm... bois... Ratchet just posted in this thread. Did no one notice?

@ Ratchet: . - What was it called? It's been driving me nuts for about four years.
But why? To let everyone know how ancient we are? My wife asked me if we had any phone cables in the house, (RJ11 connector), and I spent an hour looking to almost no avail. I did find a 5ft one in my filing-cabinet-from-heck in the garage, right under a TNT2 and a Pentium 60Hz. :|