Nvidia caught cheating again!

we need another NVIdia photo chop session!!!!!!!!!!
nvidia oWNS joooo

to enable anisotropic you must
1.SET FORCE in driver tab
2.then rename ur GAME EXE, and away u GO!!!!!!!!!!

WOW these games all run at 20fps ....OMG i lube u vnidia, ur ma herooooooooooooo

nvidia fans u've all been jibbed

I think this is signifigant, and am surprised that it hasn't stayed at the top.

nVidia went to review sites, trying to get them to publish cheats about Quake. Now ATi does it to nVidia with 3DMark03. Hmm... I hope this isn't a total reversal....

Basically for those that don't want to read the article, it says that if you rename the benchmark's .exe, and use Anisotropic filtering the performance hit is bigger. Meaning that Anisotropic filtering isn't used for 3DMark.exe with nVidia cards because of a driver cheat.

The 5800Ultra scores a full 1000 points lower with AF and the program renames to 3DMurk.exe.


Edit: Oops.. didn't click that forum link up there.. maybe I should have before replying.. :bleh:
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I bet nVidiots will probably come out with that ATi cheated in a game, but nVidia has only cheated in a synthetic benchmark:D.
Another intresting thing was that v 43.80 drivers for GF5900 Ultra provided a whopping 40 fps (from 80 to 120) improvement in Ut2k3 compared to the old drivers, on 1600x1200 4xAA 8 AF mode if I remember correctly. Even the reviewer wrote in the article that this is either due to "optimization" or outright cheating, since the newer drivers did squat to the fps without AA and AF..
Nvidia cheating AGAIN!!!!!

That's not surprising at all these days.

Changing 3dmark2003.exe to 3dMURK2003.exe had be laughing a bit.

I guess almost everyone is willing to give Nvidia a free pass these days.

Cheat all you want , we don't care. Just keep your dirty money flowing our way and everything is ok.

... adds Tech Report to list of "trusted" sites.
T2k said:
Who let the dogs out? :bleh:
"Woof, woof, woof; WOOF-WOOF!!!" :D

Crawdaddy79 said:

I think this is signifigant, and am surprised that it hasn't stayed at the top.

nVidia went to review sites, trying to get them to publish cheats about Quake. Now ATi does it to nVidia with 3DMark03. Hmm... I hope this isn't a total reversal....

Basically for those that don't want to read the article, it says that if you rename the benchmark's .exe, and use Anisotropic filtering the performance hit is bigger. Meaning that Anisotropic filtering isn't used for 3DMark.exe with nVidia cards because of a driver cheat.

The 5800Ultra scores a full 1000 points lower with AF and the program renames to 3DMurk.exe.


Edit: Oops.. didn't click that forum link up there.. maybe I should have before replying.. :bleh:

I am NOT laughing at you, I'm laughing with you on this one...I've been guilty of it a few times in the last week or so with all the breaking news on all the various sites. It gets confusing after a while, don't it? :lol: ;)

I think someone should either merge or close one of these threads so we don't dilute the issue by splitting the focus on the problem. :)
FiggyG said:
Pretty typical.

I even got 2d errors with the latest drivers on my GF4....
Me too. A bit-o-advice: I found the 30.82 set to be the last stable/decent/no-"surprises" set for me own GF4 ti4400. ;)
Crawdaddy79 said:
The 5800Ultra scores a full 1000 points lower with AF and the program renames to 3DMurk.exe.

That's 2000 points lost now - At the rate cheats are being found, it should be on a par with the GeForce4 MX by the end of the month!! :eek: