Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

Just started this game, so disappointed I can barely put it into words. Awful, frustrating and such a let down are some, but they don't really cover it. Played UC1 and loved it, UC2 was just amazing and some of the most movie-like gaming I have ever played (except for the last level fight, I mean run-turn-shoot sap, a DOZEN TIMES?) but the graphics on the early levels of UC3 are just so lacklustre compared to UC2. Jaggies, bad textures. I wish I hadn't bought it and just stayed with my memories of UC2. I probably won't play it again.
Well the new aiming is better but imo it doesn't save the game from cheap spawns and difficulty spikes. I'm done with this game, have no desire to continue my second play through. It is extremely overrated.

Chapter 20:
If you just press forward with your controller, the horse drake is on will auto navigate the canyon, even on CRUSHING. It's essentially a push forward cut scene :/
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Watched my daughter(s) play this, and I and they agree it was definitely worse looking and less fun than UC2. Our shared opinion is UC2>UC1>UC3. UC3 just never had any really funny moments, like the other two had; it also didn't impress graphically at all. Still a great game though and they had a blast.
Well, I finally have a few hours in this game, and I pretty much agree with the people here that I think UC2 was a much better game than 3. I'm still enjoying it though and I like the 3D a lot. :-)

Still, I feel both UC3 and UC2 are much, much better than the first. So in my book: UC2>UC3>UC1 would be my order of best to worst. I think overall the whole series was pretty awesome, but the pinnacle to-date was #2.
I finished the campaign yesterday. Was it just me or was this A LOT slower paced than the second game? Seems like there was a large chunk of the game where you couldn't move faster than a walk. Not to mention the larger focus on melee combat.

Of course, the melee combat got old pretty damn fast because it is extremely repetitive, it takes too goddamn long, and enemies can still riddle you with bullet while you are engaged. I had this one encounter where I could see the laser sighting on me as I was taking on one of those shotgun troopers. As soon as he was down I got shot by the sniper with no way to avoid the one shot kill. ****ing great...

The combat scenarios could also be extremely unsatisfying. The shotgun *******s take WAAAAY too many bullets to get down. It was fine when I was just taking down a few guys in a linear corridor but whenever the game opened up into "arenas" I would feel extremely overwhelmed very fast. Grenade spam, snipers, the shotgun *******s, ugh. The one in the shipyard/ship graveyard was THE ****ING WORST. I must have died on that area 2 dozen times.

At least the end sequence was better than the second game. No stupid blue guys and no terrible "boss".

I feel like Naughty Dog struggled with how to craft the story they wanted to tell into an interactive experience. I think they used the slower paced segments and the guided chase sequences to take the place of cutscenes and sometimes that maybe wasn't the best idea.

Then you've got these often times ridiculous combat encounters where there were just too many enemies. I would have rather killed 3 dozen enemies in the entire game and have them be meaningful kills rather than the waved based arena approach. Does it really add to anything but the length of playtime?

It sort of like how I feel about the Tomb Raider games. Those games are all about the puzzles and navigation. They really don't need ANY combat and yet there it is in all its lackluster glory.

Now I think gun combat absolutely has a place in Uncharted but it shouldn't be something I dread. The strength of the Uncharted games are the characters, the writing, and the setpieces. The gunplay isn't better than Modern Warfare, the melee combat isn't better than Batman, the navigation isn't better than Assassin's Creed, and the puzzles aren't better than Tomb Raider. And everytime I'm playing and I come face to face with those realizations it just means the game is doing something wrong.

Maybe Uncharted needs to be an adventure game? Maybe it just needs to be a movie/tv show? Uncharted 3 has its moments but overall I walk away from it feeling fairly unsatisfied.
^ completely agree with your post. i too would prefer that uncharted was more of an adventure game but i think the fact is that after 2 games, the audience expects drake to be a mass murderer and that's why they put in so much combat. and the combat doesn't really work well... like you, i found myself in situations where i'm in the quick time sequence trying to fight off an enemy and laser locks on to my head and blows it to bits. then you have enemies that are bullet sponges, unbelievably crappy spawning, pixel perfect grenades and loose combat, especially in cases where the whole map is moving (like the ship and the ending)... there were more than a few times when i was frustrated as hell with the game.
^ completely agree with your post. i too would prefer that uncharted was more of an adventure game but i think the fact is that after 2 games, the audience expects drake to be a mass murderer and that's why they put in so much combat. and the combat doesn't really work well... like you, i found myself in situations where i'm in the quick time sequence trying to fight off an enemy and laser locks on to my head and blows it to bits. then you have enemies that are bullet sponges, unbelievably crappy spawning, pixel perfect grenades and loose combat, especially in cases where the whole map is moving (like the ship and the ending)... there were more than a few times when i was frustrated as hell with the game.
I said the same thing about Uncharted one, but I guess people have different BS thresholds. :bleh::lol:
I beat it twice and enjoyed it. I think the problem was that UC3 was trying to be more of a platform shooter than a platform exploration game like UC2. I didnt have any problems with the graphics. They did an excellent job on the lighting and art work in this game even though I think UC2 did look better.
The idea of this game is very unique and it is very famous in these days
and it is similar to the killzone.
Finished this game on hard in 9.5 hrs. Was a nice romp. Really enjoyed it. My rating is UC2>UC1>UC3; however, game itself is still a 9 for me. Some of the maps towards the end were awesome.
just started playing this.

its 2012 and still there isn't a single video game that looks this good!!!

Sure, the textures are low res and the game could use some AA... but the character models are amazing, the lighting is great and the environments are amazingly detailed.
Replaying it after i got a new TV, and
This game is awesome in 3D :)

the france level with the burning down building, the sinking ship level, omg!!:heart: :heart: