Need for Speed Heat

This is the sad thing about modern gaming. No new games that really captures the old classics. Like nutcrackr said, is it so hard to make a decent arcade racing games? If they updated any of old classics with modern cars and updated graphics I'll buy it.
This new game shouldn't be worth any gamer's attention to be honest.

Payback was a blatant microtransaction money grab like Battlefront. If you didn't pay for any lootboxes you had to grind over and over and over and over and over just to get the necessary upgrades to progress.

For that reason alone, **** EA and **** this game :lol:
I liked it when they made racers before they started turning every racing game into a fast and furious wannabe. Take out the human element, nobody cares about those! We just want the cars.
Logged into Origin and saw that this game is available. Looked on Google to see what the release date was. November 8th. That's today.

Any of you get it?
The reason I didn’t purchase is because IGN gave it an 8. Means really it is a 5.
Seems alright. Played a few hours. Handling is okay although it takes a while to get used to the drifting. I tried to do some cop chases and got caught a few times.

I have a weird bug where plants and grass are coming up through the road.
Well I thought this was pretty good. Feels like Forza Horizon 3/4 Lite with cop chases. It's pretty smooth arcade driving for most of the game. I like the handling. There is a story about cops vs racers, which does the job but is mainly there to push you to higher rep / more money. Race AI is decent, the difficulty rating of each race is a pretty good guide on the challenge but there is a little bit of catchup/slowdown. Cop AI is quite aggressive and your car has pretty low health on default. But it's fun to have long chases.

Some of the circuits/sprints are great and the world has different places to see (e.g. radar array, city, beach, farmland, industrial area). Overall there are excellent courses even though most are just roads that are connected via checkpoints. I guess the world design is partly responsible, with nice sweeping curves and open streets.. There is suitable difference between day and night. Day is mostly circuit races with barriers. Night is sprints with cop threat and cars on the road. Music is different too: latin america in daytime vs rap at night. Good contrast.

There is a bunch of side stuff to do, like jumps, collectibles, speed traps, time trials, drift zones. I barely did any of the drift crap and finished the main game in about 14 hrs. There is some grind as you need to be a certain REP level to unlock races. REP is only gained at night and if you get caught by cops you lose a lot. But you need to race in the day to get money to buy vehicles and parts. Vehicle customisation is nice. Good looking game :up: