Red Dead Redemption.

Oddly enough we don't even own a console, so I won't be playing it until either we get one (not likely to happen, we're both proud citizens of the PC master race) or it comes to PC - which is as yet unannounced. She gets to play it all day at work though, the ****. (Love you babe!)
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Oddly enough we don't even own a console, so I won't be playing it until either we get one (not likely to happen, we're both proud citizens of the PC master race) or it comes to PC - which is as yet unannounced. She gets to play it all day at work though, the ****. (Love you babe!)

TestStar at Rockstar? :)

Ask her how the FPS is, I couldn't play GTA4 on 360 because of that.
Yeah, she translates between German <> English and checks that German dialogue conveys the intended meanings etc. She's not been there long, but loves it and they look after her well. She also gets to play the MP when they need loads of people online to test that. She loves her job!

I probably couldn't ask about the framerates, she is under strict NDA and that includes me blabbing my mouth off on forums, so god knows what it's going to be like. In that video it didn't look great, but it could be just the video.

Personally I'm not too fussed if cutscenes get a bit choppy, but if I'm shooting people and it's painful to aim I wouldn't be happy. Can't really do anything about poor performance when you're stuck with fixed settings. I would guess that they've learned a bunch from GTA 4. They want and expect this game to be bigger, better and more popular than GTA, so I would think that addressing the major concern from GTA would be on the list.
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If the FPS is smoother than GTA, I'm not asking for 60 FPS, just a steady 30, I'm definitely buying this. Fighting a bear with a shotgun has been a secret dream of mine since childhood :bleh:


If the FPS is smoother than GTA, I'm not asking for 60 FPS, just a steady 30, I'm definitely buying this. Fighting a bear with a shotgun has been a secret dream of mine since childhood :bleh:


I've always wanted to be the gold prospector who shanked a bear and wrote to the knife manufacturer about it and created the ka-bar legend. :bleh:
If you love western also check out Call of Juarez: BIB. Hasn't played it but I heard it is pretty good.
If you download the MP video on Live at the moment, you get 400 MS points. This is in the UK, not sure if the offer applies elsewhere but I would imagine it does.

Not really my thing, but I have to say they appear to be doing some interesting things with MP in this game.
Picking this up day one as well. Dont really see anything interesting about preorder specials though. :/
I think this may be the first game in two/three years that I'll play online.

Anyone interested in some posse action? :drool: